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Poster for Writing Contest 21-22

Writing Hartford Undergraduate Essay Prize 2021-22

UConn's Sustainable Global Cities Initiative (SGCI) is proud to offer our third annual prize for writing produced by undergraduate students in 2021-22. Now accepting submissions. Click on contest graphic for submission details and guidelines. 

More Info Here

What Is Writing Hartford?

Writing Hartford is a collection of events, curriculum, and creative initiatives bringing together college writers, faculty, and community partners. The umbrella term “Writing Hartford” encompasses writing about Hartford, writing in Hartford, writing with Hartford. This node of the network is located at the UConn Hartford campus, but the work that happens via Writing Hartford includes partnerships with other institutions as well as local organizations and people.

Creative Composition includes writing but also photography, audio and video recordings, music, dance, and a full spectrum of aesthetic and critical articulations.

Urban Assemblage describes the multivalent and emergent qualities of these ongoing engagements.

Coordinator, Scott Campbell

Phone: (860) 994-0195
Address: Hartford Times Building, Room 524
10 Prospect St.
Hartford, CT 06103

Previous Essay Prize Winners

First-Year Writing 

  • Ruthmary Hernandez, “Taking Ownership: Uncovering Urban Spaces”
    ENGL 1004: Instructor David Olio
  • Michelle Marie, “Walking or Crossing?”
    ENGL 1010: Instructor Matt Gagnon

Upper-Level Writing

  • Jeanna Erickson, “Green Roofs Could Improve the Quality of Life for Inhabitants in Hartford, Connecticut”
    LAND 3230W: Instructor Sohyun Park

See excerpts of winning entries

FYW Projects at UConn Hartford

  • David Olio's ENGL 1004 students developed video projects for something they called Re-Visioning Hartford
  • Sarah King's ENGL 1004 students participated in the Folding Chair as Text Live Gallery.
  • Several sections of FYW courses (Campbell, Gagnon, Glaz, and Wettersten) participated in the Vault Workshops provided by Arien Wilkerson and Kevin Hernandez Rosa.
  • Several sections contributed to the collaborative map of Hartford (on the left). [Best viewed on laptop or desktop screen.]